The critical importance of a logo – and all that springs from there – customer awareness, leads to recognition and then to loyalty. A comment on your corporate culture.

Your message effectively carried to your stakeholders – customers, potential customers, staff, suppliers, regulatory authorities, and even executive CV’s – written concisely. neatly, with a fresh, sophisticated turn of phrase…

Right from domain registration, premium hosting, site development, a wide spectrum of functions, an industrial-strength SEO strategy to put you in Google’s good books, and newsletter design for bulk emailing.

The gotta-haves, the profitless, voluminous, detailed documentation that keeps you away from your core – revenue-generating – business.

PlanMatrix will assume the tediousness, produce conformative, accurate, systematic document packs that will pacify any authority.

Operational policies and procedures, safety, health, environmental and quality manuals, and ISO standards paperwork are our forte – leaving you confident to go about your productive business.

In the background of all that we do, lies the creation of overall strategies and short-term tactics – for startups and greenfields projects, financing, development, project management, marketing, HR and BEE/BBEEE, and operational/procedural.

A plan is essential to whatever you do – it manages your cash flow, disciplines expenditure, and maximizes revenue.

Financing institution-ready, including cash flow analysis and income and expenditure projections, together with an actuarial sensitivity analysis, our strategy documents are a systematic, logical, and persuasive argument for why you’re where you are, where you want to be, and how you’re going to get there, and why anyone should give you money for it.